Saturday, April 12, 2014

Birthday Celebrations! #110

Our shop window all decorated with balloons!

All busy busy busy!

Demonstration pieces

More demonstration pieces!

The glamorous Sarah

Well, what a fantastic day we've had today.  We were so pleased so many people came to help us celebrate our birthday - and pick up some goodies too!  I spent most of the day demonstrating with Sweet Poppy Stencils - and you will see the creations reappear on my blog at some point once I've turned them into creations individually.

We had lots of laughter and fun today and we had lovely comments on our prize draw slips about what helpful staff, how we are a fun place to visit with a lovely atmosphere and wide range of stock we hold.

I don't think that Sarah and I can be more proud of ourselves at the moment - so pleased with what we have both worked hard to achieve.  We were both overwhelmed with the lovely comments and support from our customers... new and old... you are what makes this job such fun to do!

Some thanks are due.... To my hubby Pete for the scrummy cakes...  to Lucy from Sweet Poppy Stencils for the kind donation of a stencil for our prize draw.... to all our customers - we couldn't do it without you!

I'm now off for a glass of wine to celebrate!

happy times

Jane xx

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